Breathalyzer measurement units

In Lithuania, promille is used to determine blood alcohol concentration. For example, 2.5 promille (‰) means that 1 liter (1000 ml) of blood contains 0.25 ml (0.25%) pure alcohol.

Source: Cambridge Dictionary Online. "per mille".

Applied error margin

Police breathalyzers typically register an error margin of 5% or less. For instance, if the breathalyzer shows 0.43 promille (‰), the adjusted value could vary by 0.0215 promille (‰), leading to a range of 0.415‰ to 0.445‰. This variation wouldn't exempt responsibility, as Lithuania's limit is 0.4‰.


When can you drive after drinking?

The effects of alcohol vary based on body mass, gender, food intake, and overall health. On average, it takes 3 hours to process alcohol equivalent to 500 ml of beer (5%), 50 ml of vodka, or 200 ml of wine (12%).

Most popular breathalyzer

For a reliable and popular breathalyzer, consider the ones used by the Lithuanian police. The most popular are produced by the German company Dräger, priced between €220 and €1000. More details can be found here.

How long does it take to remove 1 promille of alcohol from blood?

It typically takes 5-8 hours to remove 1 promille of alcohol from the blood, depending on the individual, as the body removes 0.12-0.20 promille per hour.

How to sober up faster

Drinking water is the only way to dilute the concentration of alcohol in your body. While it doesn’t speed up the breakdown of alcohol, it can make you feel more sober and reduce promille levels.

Alcohol unit

According to the WHO, a standard alcohol unit (SAV) contains 8g or 10ml (1cl) of pure alcohol. It can be calculated as: alcohol volume (ml) x strength (%) x density (≈0.8g/l) / 10g. For example, 500ml of 5% beer equals 2 SAVs, 750ml of 12% wine equals 7 SAVs, and 500ml of 40% spirits equals 16 SAVs.

Source: Northwestern Medicine

How long does it take to completely remove alcohol from the body?

Alcohol detection times vary: in breath up to 24 hours, in urine 10-12 hours, in blood up to 12 hours, in saliva 1-5 days, and in hair up to 90 days.

Source: American Society of Addiction Medicine

Alcohol sales time

In Lithuania, alcohol can be sold to individuals aged 20 and above. Sales are allowed from 10 AM to 8 PM, including public holidays. On Sundays, sales are restricted to 3 PM.


How does alcohol affect the liver?

Alcohol is broken down in the liver by enzymes. Excessive consumption can lead to fatty liver disease, hepatitis, or even cirrhosis. These conditions can be irreversible, emphasizing the importance of moderation.

Šaltinis: Northwestern Medicine.

What are the long-term effects of alcohol?

Long-term alcohol use can cause health problems like heart disease, high blood pressure, neurological issues, and mental health disorders like depression. It also increases the risk of cancers such as liver and esophageal cancer.

Source: CDC

How does alcohol affect behavior and mood?

Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) impacts behavior and cognitive functions. Lower BAC levels (0.02%-0.05%) cause mild relaxation, while high BAC levels (above 0.08%) impair motor skills, judgment, and increase the risk of aggression.

Source: SAMHSA

Ar alkoholis padeda kovoti su stresu?

Nors alkoholis gali laikinai sukelti atsipalaidavimo jausmą, jis iš tikrųjų gali sustiprinti stresą ir nerimą ilgalaikėje perspektyvoje. Be to, reguliarus vartojimas kaip „streso mažinimo“ priemonė gali lemti priklausomybę.

Šaltinis: Healthline.

Kaip alkoholis veikia žmogaus elgesį bei savijautą

Alkoholio koncentracija kraujyje (BAC) turi reikšmingą įtaką žmogaus elgesiui ir kognityvinėms funkcijoms. Skirtingi BAC lygiai sukelia įvairius poveikius:

Žemi BAC lygiai (0.02% - 0.05%)

  • Jaučiamas lengvas atsipalaidavimas ir pagerėjusi nuotaika [4]
  • Gali pasireikšti šiek tiek pablogėjęs sprendimų priėmimas [5]
  • Elgesys gali tapti labiau išreikštas - garsesnis kalbėjimas, didesni gestai [6]

Vidutiniai BAC lygiai (0.05% - 0.08%)

  • Sutrinka dėmesys ir suvokimas [2]
  • Pablogėja judesių koordinacija ir reakcijos laikas [2]
  • Sumažėja slopinimas, sustiprėja emocijos [2]

Aukšti BAC lygiai (0.08% ir daugiau)

  • Žymiai sutrinka motorinės ir kognityvinės funkcijos [2]
  • Atsiranda kalbos neaiškumas ir pusiausvyros sutrikimai [6]
  • Padidėja impulsyvumas ir agresijos rizika [3]
  • Gali pasireikšti pykinimas ir vėmimas [2]

Labai aukšti BAC lygiai (0.20% ir daugiau)

  • Gali atsirasti sąmonės praradimas ir atminties sutrikimai [2]
  • Kyla rimtas pavojus sveikatai, įskaitant kvėpavimo sutrikimus [6]
  • Esant BAC virš 0.40%, kyla mirtina grėsmė [6]

Svarbu pažymėti, kad alkoholio poveikis gali skirtis priklausomai nuo individualių veiksnių, tokių kaip svoris, lytis ir bendras sveikatos būklė [4].

How to recognize if someone has an alcohol problem?

Key signs of alcohol problems include frequent drinking urges, loss of control, and drinking to improve mood or escape issues. These behaviors often negatively impact work, relationships, and health.

Source: SAMHSA

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